Monday, July 26, 2010

Wiki's and Weeblies

Wiki's to promote a collaborative and interactive classroom

Wiki’s are different to blogs in that a wiki might take one person to initially create an article but multitudes of people can contribute to and work on that single piece of content so one article may have lots of authors whereas in a blog an article usually only has one author but comments pertaining to that article can be contributed by others.

Wiki's are described as being an appealing and fun way to engage students in learning activities. They are considered ideal because they encourage student participation, collaboration and interaction, after viewing the 21st Century Learning video I would have to strongly agree with that description.

Some important aspects to think about in terms of 21st Century Learning using wiki's include:

Educational Benefits
  • promotes learning through collaborative authoring
  • higher level thinking skills are developed through critiquing other students work
  • investigative skills are further developed when work is critiqued and additional research is required
  • encourages creativity
  • develops teamwork and conflict management skills
  • class communities are built through collaborative learning

 Classroom uses:   
  • group projects
  • collaborative textbooks
  • assignments
  • collective writing, 
  • research projects, 
  • data collection, 
  • organization of projects
  • know and follow school policies and procedures
  • use a psuedonym
  • obtain parental permission
  • appropiateness of materials 

    Swot Analysis of a Weebly

    The features of the weebly website seem similar to googlesite and it's editing features are more refined than blogspot

    •    directions are clear and simple to follow for setting up the website
    •   basic technical knowledge
    •  easy drag and drop features 
    • pages can be easily organised
    •  customising and adding content is done by double-clicking and dragging.
    • haven’t come up with any yet
    •     creative learning resource for teachers and students
    •   reflective learning tool
    •    evaluation tool
    •   safety and security of personal information 
    • appropriate material content

    Wikibooks. (2010, August 5). Change Issues in Curriculum and Instruction/Wiki's in theclassroom. Retrieved August 17, 2010, from Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection (What is a Wiki? Wikis Explained: Understanding Wiki, Retrieved August 17, 2010 from

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